Beat Meier: A Swiss paedophile with international connections

Swiss paedophile Beat Meier has convictions for sexually abusing children in the US, Australia, UK, Switzerland, and possibly Belgium and Holland. He was connected to a British PIE member called Roger Lawrence, and the two were caught by UK customs in 1987 trafficking a 3 year old boy on the Ostend – Dover ferry. These international connections were a result of the British and Dutch governments – amongst others – failing to legislate against paedophile groups like the Paedophile Information Exchange and Spartacus, which ran ‘contacts pages’ so paedophiles could network more easily. Meier’s name is also believed to have come up during the Marc Dutroux investigation in Belgium, along with Spartacus boss John D. Stamford.

See extract from Tim Tate’s book ‘Child Pornography – An Investigation’, which has more on Beat Meier, Roger Lawrence, Spartacus and PIE.

Yorkshire Evening Post, 4th January 1988

YEP1488Yorkshire Evening Post, 5th January 1988
