1. Reblogged this on Thinking Out Loud and commented:
    Sir Peter Hayman was allowed to retire with an unblemished character even after he was found to be a paedophile.
    Geoffrey Dickens Conservative MP named Hayman in Parliament had he not done so his perverted and criminal conduct would still be a secret known only to a select few of members of the establishment and of course to his accomplices and at least one of his accomplices is said to have been a high ranking member of parliament.
    The then attorney general was outraged at Mr Dickens actions he said:
    “This should never happened. There cannot be any justification for it – It is a wholly unnecessary fuss”.
    Is it indeed…..
    He went on: “Absolutely nothing has been achieved in naming a man who has been retired for seven years. All Mr Dickens has done is make sure that Sir Peter’s shame and embarrassment are known to the world”
    We wouldn’t want to have that I’m sure no one would want to embarrass career diplomat Sir Peter Hayman. I’m sure the entire country wanted nothing more than for Sir Peter to continue to live the respectable lie he had enjoyed for so long.
    Sir Peter may have wanted to forget being caught, he may have wanted to wine and dine on his so successful career and his influential friends, not one of his victims had that option. Victims of abuse live with the memories of shame and humiliation all their lives, many see their assault as their own fault because they were too young and weak to fight.
    It makes you wonder how much thought parliamentarians give to victims when their sympathies are apparently reserved for the abusers.