How Sir Peter was kept out of the PIE trial (20.3.81)

The Guardian, 20th March 1981
by David Leigh

As the Attorney General denies a cover-up, David Leigh investigates who was exposed in the PIE pornography case, and whose activities were hidden from view.


  1. Extract from P.A.N (spartacus international magazine)

    “READING, ENGLAND The crime business must have been a bit slack in Reading last February 7th, for two constables went into the women’s section of a public lavatory around 11 am, locked it and removed the grill which gave onto the men’s section so they could see whether its patrons were properly attending to their natural functions, a matter of evident concern to the local rates payers. And who should be up to no good than poor old Sir Peter Hayman, 69 (Pan 8, page 21 ff), former high-level diplomat exposed by Huddersfield’s slimy MP Geoffrey Dickens in the first PIE trials as an importer of kiddy-porn and prolific writer of private sexual fantasy. The shocked constables saw Hayman pass a note from one cubicle to another, together with a pen. Inside the second stall was Leonard Beach, a 36-year-old lorry driver of Newbury. Beach scribbled “O.K.” on the note. But, claimed Beach, it had been his intention to urinate over the writer of the note because he “was a bit shocked” and “did not realise this sort of thing went on . . . But I didn’t get a chance, as an officer banged on the door . . .” Both men were found guilty of “gross indecency” (evidently the passing of the note, which was never produced in court!) and fined £145. SOURCE: Daily Telegraph, 17 May, 1984. “